Wednesday, March 11, 2009

News Junkie?

If you're one of the few to have read my blog from it's begining, you may have asked yourself, "what exactly is a News Junkie?". We all know that a junkie is someone that is addicted to something that is harmful or destructive to that person. When we think of a junkie, we first think of someone who is addicted to heroin or some other illegal drug. We also know that the definition of a Junkie can be streched to include alcohol and gambling addictions.

When we think of the news though, we don't usually associate the news with any addictions. In the middle of the current school quarter, I have found myself reaching for a newspaper or magazine, when I suddenly realise that I have a paper or a blog to write, or a computer project to work on. I feel like an addict as I slowly, with much resistence, replace the newspaper or magazine on the table. My wife had unwittingly become a "News Dealer" when she, very conveniently, placed the newspaper on the table, making it all too easy for me to get my regular morning "fix".

As you can see, breaking this addiction hasn't been easy for me. Old habits are hard to break. Day by day I feel myself getting stronger. I feel more focused on what I need to be focused on. Now, only occasionally, do I let myself indulge in the news. I find myself doing things I didn't know I was capable of doing. I think they call it personal growth. I think I like it. I think...

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