Sunday, February 15, 2009

Temporarily giving into my addiction

I was taking the day off today, relaxing at home, reading Newsweek Magazine, when I came across an article by Daniel Lyons called "Time to Hang Up the Pajamas". (OK, yes I know, I gave into my addiction once again) Apparently, Mr. Lyons has been writing a blog called "The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs". He writes about how it was possible to make money writing a blog and selling ad space on your blog. The more readers you have the more money you make. I'm undecided on this issue, but it just doesn't feel right to me. The world of blogging is new to me and I'm learning new things about it everyday, even when I'm at home taking the day off. I point you to this article, not to get you to try to make money writing a blog, but help bring awareness of blogging's many potential uses.

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